Redefining CyberSecurity

Unveiling Innovation at SquareX Booth during RSA Conference 2024: A Deep Dive Into SquareX's Vision | 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine | A Short Brand Innovation Story From RSA Conference 2024 | A SquareX Story with Dakshitaa Babu and Shourya Pratap Singh

Episode Summary

Join Sean Martin in this exclusive coverage of RSA Conference 2024, where he dives into the groundbreaking technology and vision showcased by SquareX.

Episode Notes

Innovation Unveiled: SquareX's Vision at RSA Conference 2024

During RSA Conference 2024, SquareX emerged as a source of fresh innovation, revolutionizing the cybersecurity landscape with their cutting-edge solutions. Hosted by Sean Martin, this episode of "On Location" takes you on a journey through the insights and revelations brought to light by key figures at SquareX.

Introducing SquareX: Meet the Visionaries

The episode turn on the microphones at the Square X booth, where Sean Martin introduces the audience to Dakshitaa Babu and Shourya Pratap Singh, pivotal figures driving innovation at SquareX. Dakshitaa, the product evangelist, and Shourya, the principal software engineer, shed light on their roles and the impact of SquareX's work on the industry.

The Passion Behind the Innovation

Dakshitaa shares her perspective on the privilege of contributing to a company that drives meaningful change in the industry, emphasizing SquareX's commitment to innovation. Shourya echoes this sentiment, highlighting the satisfaction of solving complex problems and witnessing their solutions making a tangible impact on customers.

Pushing the Boundaries: A Glimpse Into SquareX's Technology

Sean Martin delves into the intricacies of SquareX's technology, discussing AI-generated images and reverse engineering techniques employed to uncover hidden threats within images. Shourya elaborates on the challenges posed by malicious files and the innovative approaches adopted by SquareX to enhance cybersecurity.

Addressing Customer Concerns: SquareX's Value Proposition

Sean Martin probes Dakshitaa and Shourya on the key concerns voiced by prospects and customers at the conference. They shed light on how SquareX addresses the gap in endpoint security solutions, providing customers with insightful data and a comprehensive understanding of cyber threats.

Empowering Organizations: The SquareX Difference

The episode concludes with Sean Martin underscoring the significance of visibility at the web browser level and commending SquareX for empowering organizations to proactively tackle cybersecurity challenges. Dakshitaa extends her gratitude to visitors at the booth, emphasizing the value of SquareX's solutions for a secure digital environment.

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Dakshitaa Babu, Security Researcher, SquareX

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Shourya Pratap Singh, Principal Software Engineer, SquareX

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Episode Transcription

Unveiling Innovation at SquareX Booth during RSA Conference 2024: A Deep Dive Into SquareX's Vision | 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine | A Short Brand Innovation Story From RSA Conference 2024 | A SquareX Story with Dakshitaa Babu and Shourya Pratap Singh

Please note that this transcript was created using AI technology and may contain inaccuracies or deviations from the original audio file. The transcript is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for the original recording, as errors may exist. At this time, we provide it “as it is,” and we hope it can be helpful for our audience.


[00:00:00] Sean Martin: Alright, we are at the Square X booth. This is Sean Martin coming to you on location from RSA Conference. And, uh, just had a great chat with Vivek, CEO and founder of Square. Square X, where we're talking all things web browsers, security, protecting the applications at the web layer, web browser layer, a place. 

Many organizations might think they're covered, but not quite covered all the time. And I'm here with two of the, two of the folks flew all the way from Singapore to talk to the folks here in San Francisco. So maybe a quick introduction from each of you. Uh, and your role at Square X?  

[00:00:39] Dakshitaa Babu: Yeah. Hi everybody. 

I'm Dakshitaa, I'm the product evangelist at Square X.  

[00:00:44] Sean Martin: Very good.  

[00:00:45] Shourya Pratap Singh: Uh, hi everyone. Uh, I'm Shourya and I work as a principal software engineer at Square X.  

[00:00:50] Sean Martin: Nice one. So the builder and the, and the storyteller. Yes. Here we are, basically. All right, we're gonna have some fun. So the first thing I wanna ask you, 'cause it, it's one thing to look at what technology means to an industry. 

And you can weave that into your answer here, but I want to understand what working on this, what working at Square X means to you. So I'll start with you.  

[00:01:15] Dakshitaa Babu: So, I'm really privileged to be able to work at a company that is trying to make a difference in the industry, as compared to just, you know, trying to target a small group of people. 

So I feel like, um, the research that I do at work or like whatever small means I'm contributing to is actually, it's actually making a difference in the larger, uh, space. And this space has been around for like 20, 30 years and, you know, has not seen, um, so much innovation as much as Square X is trying to bring into the space today. 

So it just, it feels really, you know, honored to be part of this. I love it. I love it. It feels good.  

[00:01:55] Shourya Pratap Singh: Uh, for me as well, you know, it's a very interesting problem. And, uh, as an engineer, you know, it's always great when you get problems who can be like, you know, solved in a very interesting way. Uh, Building things have always been, uh, absolutely great at Squarex because you also get to see them going out, you know, to the customers. 

You also try them out, get the feedback, and it feels very satisfying, you know, also coming here at our sector day where we are able to actually see the reactions of people, like, how they're liking it. And, uh, it's quite interesting because we are also pushing the limits of browser itself. Like, you know, sitting as a browser extension, uh, we are trying to take the whole juice out of it. 

And, you know, trying to, uh, find as much data as we can. And, uh, make our attack graphs, the detection and everything. Uh, as enriched as we can.  

[00:02:48] Sean Martin: That's a cool, cool way you look at it. I was, when I was talking to, to Vivek, he said basically, he said, if I describe it correctly, if I remember correctly, an AI generated image of the session or the browser, that you then, um, re engine, re generate. 

Re de engineer. Reverse engineer is probably a better way to say it. That AI generated image to understand what's going on and what's underneath. Yeah. I presume you're working on some of this stuff. Can you describe it much better than me, please?  

[00:03:19] Shourya Pratap Singh: Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. I mean, it's like, you know, there are different ways a malicious file can basically reach a computer. 

And one of the ways people often do it is via images. Like, they often hide it all inside an image. To a normal user, it might just look like a normal image, but it might have some hidden files inside. So, uh, the attack that you're referring to is kind of an attack where, you know, people hide these files within a file, also called as cygnography, and where, you know, those smaller components inside the file, inside the image in this case, come out, they come together and become a file. 

[00:03:53] Sean Martin: So you mentioned earlier, speaking to, uh, speaking to the, speaking to prospects and customers here. Um, what are some of the things that you're hearing from them that they're concerned about that SquareX can help them with?  

[00:04:09] Shourya Pratap Singh: So, I mean, the first thing is that often it's a problem for people to get an overall, uh, picture of how exactly, uh, An attack happened within the organization and having something like attack graph or something which was Making it very interesting for them because we were giving a very context aware, you know The whole journey of you know, how an attack actually reached their employees So that was something people were having a lot of interest on and they were asking questions about it  

[00:04:38] Dakshitaa Babu: Yeah, I think the most interesting part for them was definitely like The fact that they didn't even know that this data was available to them, right? 

Because people have endpoint security solutions. People have secure web gateways and all of those. And they say, okay, we know that it detects to a certain amount, and that's the best we can do. And they just, they're just okay with it, because that's what every other provider is doing. And then now we're here to tell them that, hey, there's a gap in between. 

Did you know that there was a gap in between? And did you know that we can actually get the data for you? And that excites them. Most of them are like really thrilled by it. Some of them think like, okay, that's so obvious. How did I not even, you know, consider this before? That's like a common reaction that we get. 

[00:05:16] Sean Martin: Yeah, it's easy to get stuck. Good enough doesn't have to be good enough.  

[00:05:22] Dakshitaa Babu: Exactly.  

[00:05:24] Sean Martin: Love it. Well, Visibility for SquareX gives you the ability to take action at the web browser level. And I thank you both for, uh, joining us here at RSA Conference and making that journey. And hopefully it's a successful journey back home as well. 

so much.  

[00:05:38] Dakshitaa Babu: Thanks for visiting our booth. Thanks so much.