Redefining CyberSecurity

Revolutionizing Cybersecurity for Small Businesses and Mid-Market Companies | A Brand Story Conversation From RSA Conference 2024 | A CORO Story with Dror Liwer | On Location Coverage with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli

Episode Summary

In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats and protecting sensitive data is a top priority for organizations of all sizes. However, small businesses and mid-market companies often face unique challenges when it comes to implementing comprehensive cybersecurity solutions.

Episode Notes

In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats and protecting sensitive data is a top priority for organizations of all sizes. However, small businesses and mid-market companies often face unique challenges when it comes to implementing comprehensive cybersecurity solutions due to limited resources and expertise. That's where Coro comes in, revolutionizing cybersecurity for smaller enterprises with its innovative approach.

Unveiling Coro: A Purpose-Built Platform

The conversation between Sean Martin, host of the Redefining Cybersecurity Podcast on ITSPmagazine, and Dror Liwer, sheds light on the groundbreaking solutions offered by Coro. Positioned as the first purpose-built platform for the mid-market and small businesses, Coro addresses the cybersecurity needs of organizations that are often overlooked by traditional enterprise-focused solutions.

Understanding the Threat Landscape

Dror Liwer highlights the evolving threat landscape faced by small businesses and mid-market companies. Attackers are increasingly targeting these organizations due to their vulnerabilities and limited protection measures. With Coro, businesses can gain comprehensive control and protection at an affordable cost, tailored to their specific needs.

Simplifying Cybersecurity Management

One of the key benefits of Coro is its simplicity and ease of use. Unlike traditional cybersecurity solutions that require extensive configuration and management, Coro streamlines the deployment process, allowing businesses to be up and running within an hour for all 14 modules. By consolidating protection measures into one platform, Coro eliminates the need for multiple endpoint agents and ensures seamless integration across different modules.

Peace of Mind and Assurance

Coro's approach to cybersecurity is not just about protection; it's about providing peace of mind to business owners and executives. Automatic updates, simplified dashboards, and detailed reports give stakeholders the confidence to know that their systems are secure and compliant. Additionally, Coro's emphasis on transparency and accountability positions businesses to easily obtain cyber insurance by demonstrating their commitment to cybersecurity best practices.

Affordable and Comprehensive Solutions

Coro offers five suites tailored to different business needs, including endpoint protection, email protection, network and access, essential suite, and core complete. With competitive pricing starting at $6 per user per month, businesses can access a wide range of cybersecurity features without breaking the bank. The core complete suite, priced at $15 per user per month, provides a comprehensive package of security measures that cover all bases.

The Future of Cybersecurity is Here

As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, solutions like Coro are paving the way for smaller businesses to achieve robust protection without the complexities and high costs associated with traditional enterprise solutions. By empowering organizations to focus on their core operations and leaving the cybersecurity heavy lifting to Coro, businesses can embrace a future where cybersecurity is no longer a headache but a seamless part of their operations.

Coro's innovative approach to cybersecurity is setting a new standard for small businesses and mid-market companies. By providing affordable, comprehensive, and user-friendly solutions, Coro is ensuring that cybersecurity is no longer a luxury but a necessity for all organizations. Embrace the future of cybersecurity with Coro and protect your business from ever-evolving threats.

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Note: This story contains promotional content. Learn more.

Guest: Dror Liwer, Co-Founder at Coro [@coro_cyber]

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Episode Transcription

Revolutionizing Cybersecurity for Small Businesses and Mid-Market Companies | A Brand Story Conversation From RSA Conference 2024 | A CORO Story with Dror Liwer | On Location Coverage with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli

Please note that this transcript was created using AI technology and may contain inaccuracies or deviations from the original audio file. The transcript is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for the original recording, as errors may exist. At this time, we provide it “as it is,” and we hope it can be helpful for our audience.


[00:00:00] Sean Martin: Alright. And here we are. We are on location at RSA Conference. I am Sean Martin, host of the Redefining Cybersecurity Magazine. And as you know if you listen to my show I get to talk to cool people about cool things. 

I love innovation. I love development. I love seeing great things come together. I kind of know this space because I worked in this space many years ago. And, uh, it's great what you're doing, Dror. I'm thrilled to have you on the show today.  

[00:00:31] Dror Liwer: Thank you. very much for having me. It's a pleasure.  

[00:00:33] Sean Martin: And, uh, for those of you who pay attention, you'll already know we've had a chat. 

We did a few minutes where we kind of talked about the breadth of the Coral solution. That it's multi modular, covering a lot of things at the end point. And, uh, we really Really providing control and protection at every level needed for an organization, but in an affordable way. Exactly. And an easy to manage way. 

Exactly. And, uh, so I would encourage everybody to listen to that because we, we talk about that big picture in that, in that episode. So, we'll point folks back to that. What I want to do today, um, because I think the other point I didn't mention is smaller organizations that don't have staff, right? This is a big point. 

Don't have the staff, don't have the skills necessarily to manage all that stuff. That's where you come in with The solution with your partners to help. So I want to spend more time on some of the modules and relate that back to some of the threats organizations are facing. Some of the challenges they have addressing those threats and then managing an endpoint solution. 

To overcome and clear those threats out of the way. So I don't pick pick one and we'll start there and then. I'll take us on the journey.  

[00:01:47] Dror Liwer: Awesome. So if you don't mind, I'd like to give a little bit of a higher level first. Okay, please do. Just to get, uh  

[00:01:53] Sean Martin: Yeah, perfect.  

[00:01:53] Dror Liwer: So, as you mentioned, Quoro is the first purpose built platform for the mid market and small businesses. 

And you asked about the threats. Uh, and small businesses and mid market companies face the exact same threats that the enterprise do. As a matter of fact, what we've seen in the last couple of years is a shift from attackers going more after the mid market and small businesses than they are going after the enterprise, simply because it's easier. 

Right? They are not as protected, so, and they're very vulnerable, and attackers, criminals, love that vulnerability. So, first of all, they're just as vulnerable as the enterprise is, they're just as susceptible to attack. And they're facing all of these attacks. Add to that the fact that my customers normally are somewhere in the supply chain. 

So they're never at the top of the supply chain, they're somewhere in the supply chain. The people at the top of the supply chain now are being regulated heavily from a cyber security perspective. What does that, what does that do? That regulation trickles downstream. So my guy, even though he might be running a 300 truck company Logistics operation now needs to comply with SEC rules on cyber security because his The the organization he supplies services to right needs to comply. 

So now he needs to comply  

[00:03:27] Sean Martin: So they're a third or fourth or nth party Where's your sock to where's your whatever it  

[00:03:32] Dror Liwer: exactly show me that you have cyber insurance Well to go get cyber insurance, you need to show the cyber insurance company that you have all this cyber security You So that's why we're in existence. 

We're there to protect those that were completely overlooked by the, this entire industry. We're sitting in the middle of RSA here with hundreds of vendors. Called it a monster the other day. The monster. And this entire industry has been focused only on the enterprise and trying to shove an enterprise product down this mid market or small business throat. 

And, uh, so I always say that. They gladly take my customer's money, but they don't want to build something that is right for them. And that's really what we've done. So going around the modules, um, we look at things as areas of protection. So we have 14 different modules. You can buy each one of them separately. 

But we also have suites. And the suites are more business oriented. So for example, uh, one suite covers everything you might need to, uh, have to protect email. For more information visit www. FEMA. gov So it's not just ransomware and malware, it's also data governance in the email, it's also having a gateway, it's also being able to send and receive encrypted emails. 

So within one, one, uh, suite, you're able to do everything that you might need from an email protection and, and regulatory compliance perspective.  

[00:05:02] Sean Martin: What would they need if they didn't get it from Coro? What would that scenario look like? 

[00:05:07] Dror Liwer: Oh, great question. Great question. So, they'll need an email protection suite from, say, Proofpoint. 

They'll need, uh, uh, DLP for email, which we'll get from some other vendor. They'll need, uh, email encryption, uh, capabilities, which is another vendor. Um, and, uh, all of those not only end up being expensive, but they don't communicate with each other. And now you need Why is that important? Well, for two reasons. 

One is, if they don't communicate with each other, that means you now rely on a human to look at them and understand something is happening here, and I need to manage this, and it impacts something that is happening here. So now you rely on a human. For the enterprise, that's not a problem. Or it is, but it's much lesser of a problem because they have a large cybersecurity team. 

In that large cybersecurity team, they have an email security team that can do that triage. My customer has Jim in IT. Right. Not a security person. Not a security person. Hardworking, overworked I would say, uh, who does everything for the organization and also cyber security. So you expect him to also do the triage and arbitrage between the different systems and do the integration between the different systems and sit there and analyze all of these thousands of alerts that these systems are sending at him? 

We just ran a, um, survey with, uh, 400, uh, IT directors in companies that are mid market. 200 to 2, 000 employees. One of the questions we've asked was about alerts. 73 percent of them admitted that they either ignored or missed critical alerts. Now that's not because they're bad at their job. That's because they are busy managing security platforms and tools instead of protecting. 

Right. And that's really where we come in and we change the game completely.  

[00:07:12] Sean Martin: We'll get to some of the other suites, but I want to stay on this for a moment. The configuration of those things. You mentioned interacting with each other. Yep. One change here can impact how something works over there. You might not get the alert if you don't configure it correctly. 

Maintaining it. Updating it. This is software we're talking about, right? They need to be updated with rules, uh, Yeah, new capabilities, new threats. Absolutely. And then, of course, you have to have it presentable in a way where somebody can actually do something with what that system or multiple things if you buy it from separate places give you and then, again, make sense of it. 

So, talk to me about how Coro helps with those three things. Basically, well, we didn't touch on deployment, so deployment, configuration, management, maintenance, and then the response piece.  

[00:08:10] Dror Liwer: That's a great question, really, because it goes to the crux of the big difference between an SMB, a mid market company, and the enterprise. 

So, when we asked in the survey, how long does it take you to operationalize a new cybersecurity product, the answer was 4. 1 months on average. 4. 1 months of work to get that done.  

[00:08:33] Sean Martin: Across 4, not years, I'm saying, but if you did that with 14.  

[00:08:36] Dror Liwer: And no, and no, multiply that by 14, right? Uh, we ask them. We'll just do, we'll just do two. 

Yeah, and that's exactly what they end up doing. That's exactly, you nailed it. What do they do? They say, okay, I only have time and I only have budget to deal with two things. So I'm going to place a bet and say email an endpoint. And that's what I'm going to protect and everything else. I'm going to hope things are going to be okay. 

So, for us, deployment, and I know it's going to sound very hard to believe, but thousands of customers would tell you that, and if you read our G2 reviews, that's what they say in the G2 reviews. For us, deployment is about an hour for all 14 modules. Um, you have one endpoint agent that you need to manage for all 14 modules. So you don't need, you don't need to now deploy four different, uh, endpoint agents and then deal with, uh, the discrepancies between them. And when one of them gets updated, the other two start, uh, stop working and all that stuff. None of that. Um, you don't need to deal or think about new threats or new rules that are coming up because it's a cloud based platform and we take care of it in the background. 

So for example, if the privacy rules in Vermont change We change them on your behalf. You don't need to do it. You know, so we are all in the business of removing workload from people who are already overworked and overburdened to machines, to our machines. So that's, so deployment is a breeze. Within an hour, you can have our entire system up and running, configured, running, and protecting. 

Right? You deploy one endpoint agent to the clients and that endpoint agent. Um, is, uh, self healing and self preserving. What does that mean? That means that as we release new functionality, the endpoint agent automatically gets updated. You don't need to deal with redistribution or anything. So, again, removing workload. 

Our job is to remove workload. Um, if an attacker  

[00:10:47] Sean Martin: What about if the environment changes? OSs update all the time.  

[00:10:50] Dror Liwer: Exactly, so if the OS gets updated, if the environment gets updated, We take care of it for you. You don't need to worry about any of that stuff. Um, because my thinking and our thinking as a company is, Um, Jim in IT is a hardworking, good guy. 

He doesn't have the time to keep up. And the 73 percent that I've just mentioned before is an example of that. He wants to, but he just can't keep up. So what we've done is we've moved. 95 percent of the workload to the machines so he can focus only on the 5 percent that are truly important.  

[00:11:33] Sean Martin: Sorry, you're in a year. 

I think you're heading to heading to monitoring and response.  

[00:11:36] Dror Liwer: Yeah, so one of the things that is also very important is normally, um, and I T person will need to manage 56 different dashboards with us. It's one. Pin of glass that covers. All 14 modules. Very simple. If you, I know that you've seen our product online, so we work on simplicity. 

My guy doesn't have time to deal with complex, hard to understand dashboards. So the dashboard tells him exactly what he needs to do and what is important at this moment. It's one screen that they need to go and learn. And as they add more modules, it's, there's no learning curve. Because it's that same platform, and as they add more modules, the endpoint agent gets updated as well. 

So they don't need to do redeployment of anything. So let's say for example, they start with, uh, endpoint protection suite with us, and then in the future when their contract with, say, Mimecast or Proofpoint expires, they move their email protection to us as well. Okay. Okay? So all they need to do is turn it on, and it works. 

No integration, no configuration, nothing that they need to do and the endpoint agent is aware of it and knows and now protects the emails on the endpoint as well.  

[00:12:59] Sean Martin: Very cool. I have a ton of questions. Where do I want to go next? Um, we'll go to more modules in a moment. I want to still talk about this idea of 

management and response. Where was I going to go with this? The, um, Oh. Just because they're not having to deal with all the configurations and the controls and all that, I'm sure they still have questions. Am I protected? Yeah. Yeah. Am I, the CEO is going to want to know, Am I protected from ransomware? Am I protected from denial of service? 

Is my email going to be sniffed and compromised? Those questions do come up. So how, how does what you provide help transfer So, uh, how do you get the clients for that information back to the executives that want to know, and yeah, do it in a way that gives them confidence to know that what you're doing works. 

[00:14:00] Dror Liwer: That's a great question. So, first of all, um, in our world, management, executives, are the owners. Right. So, Joe's Trucking, it's Joe, and it's his business, so he cares more, actually, about cyber than an enterprise executive. We ran actually another, uh, survey, uh, a year and a half ago. Okay. And we asked, uh, executives, uh, all kinds of questions. 

One of the questions were, how often do you think about your company being attacked? In the enterprise, 63 percent said every day. In the mid market and small business, 71 percent said every day. Okay. Because for them, it's existential. So of course we need to give them the information and let them know that it's there. 

So there's a, an automatically generated report out of the system that shows them all the stuff that happened, all the stuff that was caught, uh, and, and to give them assurance. By the way, that report is also being used to get cyber insurance. Because you can show the cyber insurer, hey, you know, here's what Cora is protecting and here's what they're doing for me. 

We have EDR in place, we have email protection in place, we have all the, we tick all the boxes. 

And by the way, some of our offerings were designed to do exactly that. To make sure that my customer can get cyber insurance easily and a reasonable premium. Because the more boxes you tick, the more reasonable the premium becomes.  

[00:15:35] Sean Martin: You have to, it's become an interesting space, cyber insurance. You have to prove that you're able to manage cyber security, but with the right level. 

Exactly. So there's a lot of questions, and you have to keep it updated as well. And just because you get it doesn't mean you're going to get either a good premium or a good policy. So the more you can do to show and demonstrate, the better those two things are going to be for you.  

[00:16:00] Dror Liwer: Exactly right, exactly right. 

So we're able to show them, hey, we're covered. It is automatically updated, as I mentioned before. You know, we don't expect my, uh, buyer to go and proactively go and update platforms. We do it automatically on, uh, their behalf, uh, which gives them two things. One, gives them back time. Right. Right. But two, also gives them peace of mind. 

Because they know that we know. We have teams that that's their only focus in life. To make sure that, you know, the privacy rules are updated correctly. Uh, the new vulnerabilities that are being, uh, that are found. The new attack vectors that are being created. The new ransomware method. are embedded in our platform and know and our platform knows how to correct them, Catch them and and Mitigation, so we're. 

My customer what they call peace of mind, right?  

[00:16:59] Sean Martin: So when we live here with how that 71 dials from exactly I care, I worry about it every day to I'm confident. 

[00:17:07] Dror Liwer: I know court is taking care of it every day.  

[00:17:09] Sean Martin: Yeah, exactly. So we have, I think, maybe a minute or so left here. Any final thought or any other modules you want to kind of point to as we wrap to kind of fill the picture for folks? 

I think we did a good job talking about the whole workflow and that you help kind of start to finish with everything and give that complete peace of mind. What other modules or suites do you want to highlight?  

[00:17:34] Dror Liwer: So we have five suites that we offer. As I said, the endpoint protection, email protection, network and access. 

Uh, which includes a Cas B. Uh, and then we have what we call the essential suite, which is a little bit, bit of each. Okay. Uh, to make sure that it's the, the basics, uh, just get the basics right. Right. For $6 a month and you're covered. Okay. Per user, which is very, very, I can afford six aggressively priced. 

And then, uh, there is the core complete, which is basically everything we offer for $15 a user a month, which again. is incredibly attractive. So let's put this in the context of a 100 person company. That's 1, 500 a month and you're covered. You don't need to worry about it. And that is really our approach. 

We want them, we want this to be a no brainer. Use Coro, be protected, don't worry about it.  

[00:18:31] Sean Martin: Well that 1, 500 gets you more than just a protection. It's, and the peace of mind, it gets you the simplicity,  

[00:18:36] Dror Liwer: the simplicity  

[00:18:37] Sean Martin: and, and the, yeah, I mean all the, all the stuff you're doing for them behind the scenes. 

Exactly. And all the hair they're gonna save.  

[00:18:43] Dror Liwer: Yeah. The, I call it, uh, one platform, one, uh, one, uh, endpoint agent, one dashboard, zero headaches.  

[00:18:51] Sean Martin: Nice. I love it. Our drawer. It's been been great chatting with you. It's always Same here. Thank you so much for having me. Always. And uh, yeah, thanks for doing what you're doing and everybody listening, please do connect the drawer and the CORO team. 

Pick your set of modules.  

[00:19:05] Dror Liwer: And we're at coro. net if you want to know more.  

[00:19:09] Sean Martin: And of course we'll include links to CORO's profile and to the Coro website. And, uh, hope everybody connects with you and gets started. Thank you. Thanks everybody for joining us.